Do any of these sound like you when it comes to making videos?

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  • You know "you should be using video" but you can't get started or be consistent?

  • You're overwhelmed by technology

  • You simply hate the way you look and sound on video

  • You feel awkward talking to the camera

  • You don't know what to make a video about or what to say to attract and enroll clients?

If you've tried to "make yourself do video" and you just can't...

... you aren't able to be consistent with your video marketing...

...or your videos don't attract and enroll clients the clients you want...'re not alone.

The real reason many transformation industry experts don't succeed with video... 

Deer in the headlights woman

Most, purpose-led experts, healers and coaches feel vulnerability and resistance to "self-promotion," especially when it comes to being on video. 

The real reason is...It just doesn't feel safe.

  • What if others judge you if it isn't perfect?
  • What if they mistake your intentions?
  • What if they question your integrity?
  • What if you make a fool of yourself?
  • What about the "haters!?"  

I've heard this exact phrase from hundreds of purpose-led experts, "It feels like I could die of embarrassment."

That feeling "like you could die" is very real. Even though you know it isn't true. 

It's often followed with the self-deprecating notion that "I just need to get over myself" (with dollop of self- criticism and a twist of shame)...

...or... the all-too-familiar boot-strapping philosophy we have Nike to thank for ... that many video coaches are happy to throw in your face: "Just Do It." 

There's a reason Video increases vulnerability 100-fold... It's because the camera magnifies everything.

I call it the "Law of Magnification."

It can magnify your self-doubt and insecurity...

OR can magnify your unique energetic presence and confidence to magnetize your client attraction and enrollment.

It's actually quite common for purpose-led experts, coaches, and other Transformation Industry professionals to feel vulnerable as they step in and step up to take their place as a trusted leader online.

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The real reason most people don't make videos is... it's just too damn scary.

I've heard it again and again, teaching on stages, speaking at events, and in my studios in New York City and Portland, Oregon. (But, almost missed it in myself....)

Every high-level executive, international speaker, and highly successful entrepreneur I've worked with has discovered that visibility is an inside job. Many had all the tactics, technology, and tools they could wish for but they still weren't confident or comfortable on video.

The advice to, "just make a video" didn't work. They still struggled to "make themselves do video," to be consistent and to make videos that created engagement and generated income.

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How can I be so sure?

Because I've done it and helped hundreds of others just like you do it, too.

If you are a purpose-led expert who feels called to make a big impact and help others transform (like me!)...

...No matter how vulnerable it feels or uncertain you absolutely can leverage the high-impact, high-visibility, highly leveraged platform of VIDEO -- even if all of the above feels true.

...your videos absolutely CAN help you inspire and uplift others to create the income you need to make the difference you want to make. 

How I Created A System to Make Video Marketing Easy, Doable & Profitable... even if you're camera shy or not "techy"

From the earliest age I felt called... I was set to realize my calling at 4 years old when I was to sing with the heavenly host in the church Christmas play.

There I was with my silver tinsel halo in my white sheet turned gown and when the lights came up... and inexplicable terror caused me to flee to my grandma's lap.

 This calling urged me on from voice coach to voice coach who told me again and again that I "could be a world class vocalist" but all I heard was, "could be..."  

I pursued a professional career as an actor instead and worked in the theatre, TV and film burying the desire to sing.

The calling led me to healers and mentors who helped me reclaim my voice and I went on to perform original songs with my band. Still do.

My journey to reclaim my voice gave me an uncanny ability to help others find and free their own voices and reconnect to their divine right to self-express.

I devised a totally unique approach to performance training and founded 2 teaching studios over 20+ years that helped thousands of people from Broadway to the Boardroom confidently share their message to grow their income and impact.

IMAGE | MIchelle at Piano

What clients are saying about working with me and this approach...

Michelle Kopper

“I highly recommend Michelle's program to anyone who struggles with confidence around video or going live, yet KNOWS their business needs visibility in order to thrive.

Michelle has the compassion of one who has dealt with her own struggles with finding her voice, and she fiercely supports those of us who long to show up authentically and effectively. The program is designed for Facebook Live, but these are transferrable skills. Thanks Michelle!”

The Spice of Life

Michelle Kopper

“Michelle Kopper's course Make Videos that Sell released me from my self-consciousness!

I was struggling to make videos because I felt self-conscious and uncomfortable. I knew what I wanted to say but my discomfort of being in front of the camera was holding me back. Now I feel confident and look forward to making videos. And that has made all the difference in getting my message out and attracting my ideal clients. ”

CEO, Powered By Intuition

Michelle Kopper

“Thank you so much Michelle. You really helped me get my butt out there to start doing it!

I was hung up on the technology... and finding a place in my house that would work to shoot videos was really helpful. You were really so helpful for getting me in gear and getting me on a role and just friggin' DOING it was so powerful...”

Financially Free Woman

Hi! I'm Michelle Kopper, a Voice, Video & Visibility Expert, Chief Expansion Officer of The Inspired Voice Business Coaching and the creator of Make Videos That Sell. In 30+ years as a professional performer and lifetime as a creative entrepreneur, I've helped thousands of transformation industry experts find their voice, grow their global presence to attract and enroll more clients so that they have consistent income growth and impact online, onstage and on video leveraging their unique Frequency Factor™.

When I started to build my business online 8 years ago I immersed myself in high-level mentorship with marketing experts, healers and a community of transformation industry professionals.

At the time, the video craze was just starting to heat up...

I was plugging away with email, freebies, blogs, books, and social media posts but NOT using video...

A few friends in that high-level mastermind pointed out that I "should be doing video," and with my background as an actress it "should be easy for me."

How I cleared my blocks and fears and had my first 6-figure year by consistently using video to share my message...

I gathered my courage, my mentors and my community and publically committed to make 30 videos in 30 days.

But it really, really wasn't easy at first...

As this blooper reel reveals--->>>

Video felt too exposed. It was overwhelming.

What would I say? How would it look? What would people think? I didn't have a camera crew, copywriter, or director...

I got so flustered and frustrated...the do-overs, doubts, and stress nearly did me in.

Even though I had made my living for years as an actor in TV commercials!

Once I started sharing my unique approach success stories started to roll in...

<- Laurel said, "Michelle was warm and welcoming and gave me so many tips..."

Connie had her first $10K Week!->






This course is specifically designed to help you confidently create videos anytime, anywhere so that you reach more people, make a bigger difference, and make more money being more YOU!



Here's exactly how Make Videos That Sell will help you...

By the time you complete this course with my support you're going to walk away with the skill, confidence, and message clarity that will give you the rare ability to:

  • Make videos that expand and engage your audience AND help you sell more products, programs, and services 

  • Always know what to say and have an endless stream of content ideas

  • Activate Your Camera Confidence and Share Your Message, with clarity, consistency, and enthusiasm to consistently convert more followers and fans into clients

  • Know where, when & how to use video to make offers using video without being icky or salesy

  • Have a like-minded community of transformation experts who "get it" at your fingertips to help you accelerate your visibility using video with confidence and clarity that call in more clients.

When you enroll today, within minutes you'll get Full Access to the course training modules, guidebooks, and resources including:

The Complete Make Videos That Sell System: 5 in-depth training modules with 30 in easy-to-digest video segments for a deep dive into technology, presence, what to say, on-camera performance tools, and how to make videos make you money.
5 Comprehensive Guidebooks with step-by-step guidebooks for easy reference: Resources, templates and exercises deepen the inspiration & education of every module to help you start making videos right out of the gate as you put your video know-how into instant action to get visible and increase your sales and enrollment.
INCLUDING: How to Talk to The Lens, Step-by-Step Tech Simplified, Fast Video Formula Script Framework, Video Content Planner, & more...
Make Videos That Sell is available as a homestudy course anytime for $1997: This special invite to get full course access and 1-1 VIP support for only $1997.

You will get 5 comprehensive digital training modules with short, easy to digest videos and a comprehensive guidebook for quick reference and additional resources.

Module 1: Your Studio Start Up Guide ~ "Lights, Camera, Action!"

  • Simple Technology Solutions: What camera to use, 10-years-younger lighting, how to frame the shot, and how to have good sound or audio.
  • Studio Success Set Up: How to set the stage, what to wear, where to look
  • Video Share Essentials: Step by Step tutorials for downloading, uploading and sharing your videos with your audience

Module 2: Your Powerful Presence On Video

  • How to show up with your full, authentic presence and "just act natural" on video ~ no matter how camera shy you are
  • Where to look, what to focus on to radiate confidence and access instant rapport & connection with your audience
  • 3 Simple Steps to "conquer the cringe" with tools & tips from the actor's toolkit to activate courage, clarity and a dash of daring on camera

Module 3: Your Video Content Formula

  • What to say and how to talk about what you do in a way that attracts clients
  • How to craft content that resonates and engages your best clients and builds your authority, credibility and confidence
  • Deep-Dive, step-by-step training to use my Fast Video Formula Framework for easy, fast content creation to make a powerful effective videos when inspiration strikes so that your ideal potential clients see you, hear you and hire you

Module 4: Professional Presentation & Performance

  • Know Exactly What To Practice & How To Practice to increase your impact on video dramatically in just 2 minutes a day
  • How to watch your videos and improve -- without getting discouraged or facing soul-crushing embarrassment
  • How to shoot so you don't have to memorize and make editing super easy!

Module 5: How To Make Videos Make You Money

  • How to maximize your video-making into ongoing visibility, credibility & profitability
  • Different types of videos for different aspects of you business and where to post to leverage different video platforms
  • How to streamline your content creation and repurpose your videos again and again for ongoing visibility that leads to consistent client enrollment, income and impact

Clients keep raving about having my support in this program...

Abby Rohrer

"Because of Michelle I know so much more about putting myself out there on video..."

Katherine Hartvickson

"Now, instead of cringing...I can hit the record button and take off and DO IT!"

Regina Luffy

"I didn't know how to make videos...with Michelle's class I learned all the tools I needed..."

PLUS: You Also Get 4 Incredible Bonuses in this
"Visibility-to-Profitability" Bonus Package (Value $3491)  


Here's the scoop on all the extra's you get when you say YES to Make Videos That Sell during this special holiday sale-->>
for a grand total of only $1997


3 Steps To Confident, Consistent Visibility to Accelerate Client Enrollment and Cash Flow Masterclass

In this TRANSFORMATIONAL masterclass I walk you through my 3-Step Inspired Visibility Framework to help you end the year strong and ready to grow.

You'll discover how to:

  • Reach more people, earn more income, and make a bigger difference as you get visible consistently & confidently to enroll more clients, more easily, more often.
  • Speak the secret language of your clients so they KNOW you are the person they want to work with
  • Create & implement your custom, aligned, & inspired visibility action plan to consistently enroll more clients and make more impact
  • How ACCELERATE your marketing results so that you can finally do what you’re here to do, make the impact you feel called to make, and make more money doing it
  • And much, much more...

VALUE: $497


Inspired Visibility Roadmap Course

Discover 3 essential elements for aligned, inspired visibility that attracts and enrolls more clients, more often as you strengthen and expand your foundation for easy, authentic, and consistent messaging with these Inspired Visibility Building Blocks.

Inside you will discover how to:
  • Get more visible, be more credible and have your business be more profitable.
  • Create your with a custom visibility roadmap from the inside out.
  • Clear blocks and fears around being highly visible, sharing your message, making offers and enrolling more clients.
This training includes 7 video training modules, an easy reference guidebook with templates and my Inspired Visibility Strategy Map. Value

VALUE: $997


12 Days of Visibility Course

My proven 12-step framework to craft your message and design your marketing map so that you expand your visibility, create more income, and make more impact by being more YOU.

  • How to quickly clarify your audience, identify your power platforms, and create content that leads to clients signing up
  • How to focus, be consistent, and generate leads that become clients
  • A step-by-step path to design your strategy and systematize your visibility as you leverage the power of community and have the right support

Value: $997


Video Visibility-to-Profitability 1-1 VIP

In this session you will have high-level, 1-1 coaching to:

  1. Clarify your next steps make videos that grow your business.
  2. Uncover hidden challenges that may slow you down or stop you from getting started using video right away.
  3. Discover how to design your custom visibility-to-profitability plan for real-time revenue results.

Value: $1000

Why in the world am i giving so much value for 1997?

You may be wondering why I'm offering this program and including $3491 in additional bonuses including 1-1 VIP coaching support...for only $1997...

Have I lost it? What's the catch?!

Because... I'm dedicated to make a huge impact through the ripple effect...

By helping you and other purpose-led experts, healers, and Transformation Industry entrepreneurs step in to claim your voice, clarify your message, and call-in your favorite clients through inspired, clear, and confident visibility on video... I will be able to impact even more uplifters...

Video is the most powerful tool you have at your finger tips to create your thriving business, and make the difference you're here to make...and have the fulfillment of purpose that comes with it...

This program specifically designed to help you master and monetize the powerful platform of VIDEO to do all that and more...and it will be a wonderful way for us to work together and for you to experience the power of my approach and it's ability to help you get real results without pushing and striving or being salesy and gross.

I also know there will be some who want to take the next step to grow their business with the support of me and my team. I'm all-in for real relationships, transformation and impact.



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Make Videos or Get Your Money Back
30-Day Guarantee

I’m confident that the value of this program will far exceed your investment. You'll have access to this course and bonuses for a full year to give you ample opportunity to implement the strategy, techniques, & tools inside.

When you follow these steps and implement this system you will get results.

You can complete the entire course and the Video Visibility-to-Profitability 1-1 VIP... and if, after all that, you don't get results, experience more value than expected, or you are dissatisfied for any reason... I'll give you your $1997 back.

More Kudos from clients... 

Michelle Kopper

“Michelle did a really awesome job solving things that felt so complicated but were really pretty simple…

What really worked for me was having your structure for creating content…that alone let my brain relax enough that I could actually talk through a video without be so attached to “Oh My God I’m forgetting everything…!” I learned to relax into it and do only a few takes and realized that by the 3rd take I may have thought of something great I hadn’t even thought about!”

Founder, Salt Leadership

Michelle Kopper

“She makes her processes simple to implement and easy to follow.

I took Make Videos That Sell with Michelle as well as her Inspired Offers Challenge. I love her style, both as a teacher and coach. She is genuine, warm, and engaging. She's so skilled at taking my disjointed ideas, connecting the dots, and helping me put them in order and making them appealing. I highly recommend working with Michelle in any capacity!”

CEO, The Quiet Influencer

Michelle Kopper

“She has a way to pull the greatness that is inside of you out in a loving and encouraging manner.

I work with Michelle Kopper on multiple levels and each time I have been impressed. She also uses simplistic ways to get you doing FB lives to the point you even love them. It truly has been great working with Michelle and I am looking forward to the continued relationship. ”

CEO, Decide To Move

You may be wondering if this is will really help you...

If the following sounds like you, I don't want you to join because I think you would be disappointed...

This Program is NOT for YOU If...

  • You're wanting advanced technology questions answered like what fancy video equipment to buy, how to use it, or advanced editing tools and training. 
  • You only want to focus on the ins and outs of SEO and digital marketing tactics
  • YOU DON'T WANT TO BE IN YOUR VIDEOS... you do NOT want to be highly visible and become the voice and face of your Transformational Message
  • You're NOT willing to play, let go of your self-judgment, & finally have the freedom to show up all the way past your edges to self-express, share your message in the biggest possible way so that you can soar in your business.


However, if the following DOES sound like you, then we can't wait to welcome you into the program:

This program IS for YOU If...

  • You know video is essential in today's online world and you're ready to quickly learn how to use video to grow your expert-status, audience, & income NOW.
  • You want to access your confidence to Unleash Your Unique Transformational Message in a way that engages your audience and makes them eager to enroll in you products and programs.
  • You're ready to have a simple, effective system to make a quick, high-value, professional videos anywhere, anytime so that you can get clients, gain influence, become the successful leader you're meant to be... and make the difference only you can make!

Frequently Asked Questions...

I've heard from many previous students who weren't sure they could achieve this kind of confidence, ease, and client-getting results in only 5 simple steps. ​ Some wanted to know if they'd get the clarity and strategy they need to get clients in addition to handling whatever fears they may or may not have... the answer is yes to all of the above.

Here are answers to some of the questions commonly asked:

What if I always struggle with technology?

We keep the technology super simple! If you struggle with technology this is definitely the program for you... you'll get step by step instructions for everything from which camera to use to setting up your lighting and sound and where to go live from your personal status page to your very own Facebook group!

We will make sure you get the answers you need to navigate the technology -- with patience, encouragement, and support

How long will all this take?! I don't have time to add more to my plate!

This program is designed for you to get results fast. The videos in each session are short and to the point and titled so that you can find and watch what you need easily. The guidebooks also make it easy to follow along and implement as you go and the printable workbook lets you jump right into the exercises to quickly get results.

Keep this in mind too: This program is designed for you to be IN your videos so that you can shoot a short, high-value video that gets results in just a few minutes anytime, anywhere. It does NOT involve lengthy scripting, editing or major technology set up.

Taking a little time now to dial in this powerful platform, get confident, and have the essential strategy you need to make videos consistently, effectively, and in a way that gets clients...will give you back hours of time you could waste struggling to do it on your own, figuring it out as you go, or getting mediocre results.

Lastly, remember this... your videos are the most powerful way to leverage your time and your presence. They share your message far beyond the time it takes to do them. They can be watched and re-watched again and again... 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, around the world, day and night. So they will bring a return on investment far beyond the initial time you spend.

What if I can't afford it?

We've created this special invitation to make this powerful training available for 95% off the regular investment to make this as doable as can be for you.

If you can't get a hold of $1997 bucks to grow your business you'll want to do SOMETHING to be seen, heard, and hired asap.

PayPal has interest-free credit options. 

Only you can decide which investment is best for you at any given time.  

Important things to consider as you decide:

The real cost of waiting is:

  • Fewer Clients and Less Income
  • Delayed results 
  • Being stuck holding back or playing small
  • Your sustainable & thriving business will probably take longer to happen
  • The people you're meant to serve will keep struggling or find someone else to help them

If not now, when?

  • What will you do if you don't invest in this support right now?
  • How will you grow your confidence, get visible and get clients?
  • How will you get the support you need to move forward

Billionaire investor, Warren Buffett says, “The best investment you can make is in yourself. The more you learn the more you’ll earn.” 

What if I'm a total beginner and don't have any idea where to start? Will I be able to do this program?

If you're a total beginner this program is THE BEST place to start! You'll get the step by step support you need with a totally private and safe environment to grow your skill and confidence.

You'll also get essential marketing skills you need from narrowing your niche to making offers so that your message connects, engages, and resonates with your audience in ALL your marketing.

One last personal note from me...

"Discover all the ins and outs for how to confidently get started making videos quickly and easily with all the personal support you want and need so that you can be making videos that consistently attract and enroll your best clients.

The confidence and clarity you will experience as you master sharing your message on video will have ripple effects throughout your marketing, your business, your clientele, your relationships and your life. 

Now is truly the time for you to step up and step in to own, embody, and share your message on video. I have total confidence in your ability to do this.

No more holding back. No more waiting. You are not alone. You can do this. It's important. You and your message are worthy. There are people who are waiting for you to show up fully, consistently and confidently so that they can find you, hear you, and hire you."